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A partnership of over a dozen water agencies,cities and the County of Orange, H2O for HOAs brings together the HOA community including board members, property managers, professional landscapers and other stakeholders. H2O for HOAs goal is to provide education and inspire conversation and collaboration on water management topics. A full line up of speakers and panel presentations will be accompanied by vendor booths and networking opportunities.

The event will be held on Thursday, October 26th from 8:00 am -12:00 pm, at the Norman P. Murray Community Center located at 24932 Veterans Way Mission Viejo, CA 92692. Check in begins at 7:30 am and we look forward to your attendance.

The event is FREE, but registration is required. A light breakfast and refreshments will be served.

Full Name

HOA Service Address

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Registration Number

You will be provided with a Registration Number upon submission.