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Moulton Niguel Water District

26161 Gordon Road, Laguna Hills, CA, 92653, US


Project Wet Workshop Interest Form

Moulton Niguel Water District is partnering with Inside the Outdoors to bring these professional development workshops to educators in our District area. We believe that the curricula provide engaging, STEAM focused activities that are a great way to provide science-based education using the broad topic of water.

We are excited for educators to join us for a packed day where we will:

  • Walk through the Project WET Curriculum & Activity Guide
  • Learn how each activity correlates to NGSS and Common Core
  • Practice preparing an activity and deliver it to your peers
  • Learn about where our water comes from and local water issues
  • Receive your own copy of the Project WET Guide
  • Network with other teachers
  • and HAVE FUN!

Please provide the information below to register for our Project WET Course: 

Wednesday, January 15 & 22, 2025 
3:30pm - 5:00pm

Age Group(s) that you work with

Type of Institution(s) where you would use this material

School Address

How did you find out about the Project WET workshop?

Confirmation Number

You will be provided with a Confirmation Number upon submission.
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